Bouncy Spike Enemies ‣ Spiketor • Spiketex • Spiketus • Spiker (Unused)
Spiketor is an enemy encountered in Castle Hamson, Forest Abkhazia and The Maya. It behaves more like a hazard than an enemy, bouncing off terrain and inflicting damage on contact with the player.
Spiketors' behaviour is straightforward: they start flying in a random direction as you enter the room and simply bounce off of terrain continuously. They always travel in a straight line (making them predictable), don't have any attacks and never target the player in any way. They are completely invulnerable (except for Retaliation damage), but die if stuck bouncing in a tight space. They also spawn when a Chaintor dies. Unless you're playing the Lament of Zors mod their name and lv are only visible when you hit them with Retaliation damage.
Spiketor's starting moving direction is random: 270° (25%), 180° (25%), 0° (25%), 90° (16.7%), 45° (8.3%).
In the Lament of Zors mod, it will turn more and more red as it gets closer to dying. The player can also knock them back. Also their name and stats are displayed when the game is paused.
- this.m_internalOrientation = base.Orientation;
- base.HeadingX = (float)Math.Cos((double)MathHelper.ToRadians(base.Orientation));
- base.HeadingY = (float)Math.Sin((double)MathHelper.ToRadians(base.Orientation));
- XPValue = 25
- MinMoneyDropAmount = 1
- MaxMoneyDropAmount = 1
- MoneyDropChance = 0.4
- TurnSpeed = 10
- ProjectileSpeed = 650
- JumpHeight = 300
- CooldownTime = 2
- AnimationDelay = 0.1
- AlwaysFaceTarget = true
- CanFallOffLedges = false
- CanBeKnockedBack = false
- IsWeighted = false
- Scale = 2
- ProjectileScale = 1
- TintablePart.TextureColor = (255, 255, 255)
- MeleeRadius = 50
- ProjectileRadius = 100
- EngageRadius = 150
- ProjectileDamage = base.Damage
- KnockBack = 1x 2y
- LockFlip = true
- m_selfDestructTimer = 0.7
- m_selfDestructTotalBounces = 12
- RotationSpeed = 250